CEI Service Now


The Challenge

Submitting service and incident requests through email is being decommissioned, and many of these users haven’t or are reluctant to use the Service Now portal to enter requests.

Project Goals

Identify ways to improve the user navigation flow and reduce the number of steps to submit a request.

  1. Identify the Top Task

  2. Minimize the number of clicks

  3. Use language and terminology your users understand

  4. Reduce task flow distractions

  5. Make a decision based on user facts rather than personal opinions

    and debate

Our Approach

In-person, short Interviews / Task Base Usability mini sessions were conducted with CMG technical users and non-technical users. The sessions were recorded with Quicktime video player on Monday, June 5th (Desktop website only) and Thursday, June 8th (Desktop website only). The IDIs were asked to complete a task using the Service Now portal (incident request and service request), examining whether the user knew how to navigate the portal, find the form, and submit their request. These sessions gained feedback on labeling, layout, comprehension, navigation, and likelihood to use.


  • We identified 8 recommendations to improve the user experience.

    • Three are navigational flow changes

    • Two are landing pages reformatting

    • Three are related to reformatting the template used to sub a request.

  • We identified labels & links that need wordsmithing.

  • We identified missing metadata from most forms which affect the search results.


AJC.com Redesign

